The Physics Front

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Fri Oct 6 10:26:46 CDT 2006

The Physics Front [pdf] 

Richard Feynman was one of the great communicators and
scholars within the field of physics, and his very
accessible lectures remain the stuff of legend today.
While Professor Feynman is no longer with us, physics
teachers can avail themselves of the very nice
resources offered at The Physics Front. Created by the
American Association of Physics Teachers and the
National Science Foundation, the site contains lesson
plans, activities, labs, and other pedagogical tools
for physics teachers. The site also is notable for its
"First Time Physics Teachers" section which contains a
bit of information about the nature of teaching
physics and how these resources might be best used in
the classroom. The "Activities" area of the site is a
real treat, as educators can find activities by
subject, which include optics, energy, momentum, and
wave energy.

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