What's the best novel in the past 25 years?

Will Layman WillLayman at comcast.net
Sun Oct 8 07:28:14 CDT 2006

Someone hipped me to Penelope Fitzgerald a few years ago, and I read  
this book about a woman who owned a bookstore in a little town --  
something like that.

I guess I'm just a just a idiot American, but I thought is was dull.   
(And it was very short.)

That said, this is a fun list.  Needless to say, I would have notched  
MIDNIGHT'S CHILDREN a little higher . . .

-- Will

On Oct 8, 2006, at 8:07 AM, Ya Sam wrote:

> A recent poll in the New York Times named Toni Morrison's Beloved  
> as the greatest work of American fiction in the past 25 years. But  
> what about over here? On the eve of this year's Booker Prize, we  
> asked 150 literary luminaries to vote for the best British, Irish  
> or Commonwealth novel from 1980 to 2005. How they defined 'best'  
> was up to them ...
> http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/ 
> 0,,1890247,00.html
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