Fw: Re: Female Pynchons?
bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 8 16:21:39 CDT 2006
wrestling movies.
At 1:09 PM -0400 10/8/06, kelber at mindspring.com wrote:
>OK, chick lit and chick flix are pretty horrible. But how about guy
>lit/flix? Clancy, Ludlum, The Rock ...
>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Anville Azote <anville.azote at gmail.com>
>>>Sent: Oct 8, 2006 12:45 PM
>>>To: Paul Di Filippo <pgdf at earthlink.net>
>>>Cc: pynchon-l at waste.org
>>>Subject: Re: Female Pynchons?
>>>On 10/8/06, Paul Di Filippo <pgdf at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>> Deadly chick lit virus claims another victim
>>>> by Luke O'Neil
>>>> Issue 8.40
>>>> Wed, October 04, 2006
>>>Wasn't it William S. Burroughs who said, "Chick lit is a virus from
>>>outer space?"
>>>> But even more problematic, the book is thick on the page with
>>>> incongruous literary allusions, cinematic cross-references and set
>>>> pieces culled from famous works of art. These are devices that sound
>>>> intriguing in theory, but Pessl flubs it. The protagonist's every
>>>> thought is cluttered with so much highbrow meandering, it becomes
>>>> impossible to spot the line where genuine emotion blends into
>>>> meta-ironic, extra-literary horseshit. The anorexic plot is incapable
>>>> of bearing the weight of its ambitions. Pessl spends at least a quarter
>>>> of her sentences on puffed-up would-be dazzling metaphors that stink up
>>>> the room. She simply can't get out of the way of her own wagging
>>>> tongue. Another quarter of her text is wasted on faux-academic
>>>> journalistic cross-referencing:
>>>"Lolita" done wrong, more or less?
>>>-A. A.
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