Trotsky reconsidered

gp wescac at
Wed Oct 11 09:12:28 CDT 2006

Larouche is the only guy on that list I know enough about to call a madman.

On 10/11/06, mikebailey at <mikebailey at> wrote:
> Trotsky still fails my litmus test of non-violence, as to being somebody I'd
> support wholeheartedly.
> However, he does seem to have left an impressive legacy in the form of
> writers, activists, and investigators.
> Sidney Hook started as a Trotskyite.  (ended up getting a medal of freedom
> or something from the gipper, but along the way wrote some memorable words
> about Marx and other topics)
> Lyndon Larouche started as a Trotskyite, and from the Larouche ranks come
> the investigators who wrote the unauthorized bio of GHW Bush, available free
> on the web - note that Webster and Tarpley say pretty outrageous things in
> there, but have never been sued for them
> AJ Muste was a Trotskyite, who (rather humorously, I tend to think) left the
> movement after meeting with Trotsky in Sweden.  That was only one leg of a
> European vacation for him and his wife, though: on the Paris leg he visited
> Chartres and had an epiphany that brought him back to Christianity and made
> of him a lifelong peace activist (founder of Fellowship of Reconciliation)
> And then the controversial historian Lenni Brenner apparently is a
> Trotskyite.
> As far as I know, none of them emulated Trotsky in terms of building a
> revolutionary Army and motivating them by threatening to harm their families
> - but apparently instead were inspired by him to think critically and write
> incisively.

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