ATD at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

Ya Sam takoitov at
Thu Oct 12 10:41:19 CDT 2006

Yeah, if it refers to the Bible that should influence the translation of the 
title, as in some language the phrase 'against the day' doesn' t sound good. 
But there are several phrases 'against the day' phrases, so which one to 

"against the day of my burying" John 12-7 (I wouldn't like this one as a 

"agaisnt the day of  judgment and perdition" 2 Peter 3-7 (like this better)

"against the day of battle and war?" Job 38-23

"against the day of battle" Proverbs 21-31

"against the day of wrath and revelation" Romans 2-5

"against the day of necessity"  Tobit (Apocrypha) 4-9

>From: Dave Monroe <monropolitan at>
>To: Cyrus <ioannissevastianos at>, Ya Sam <takoitov at>,     
>    pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: ATD at the Frankfurter Buchmesse
>Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 07:57:55 -0700 (PDT)
>I'd go with the local standard Biblical trans. ...
>--- Cyrus <ioannissevastianos at> wrote:
> > I won't know about the title until after I've read
> > the book -- it might have connotations we can't even
> > imagine right now...
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