pynchonesque church

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Thu Oct 12 11:14:59 CDT 2006

Hanno Rauterberg is pleased that, forty years after
his death, Le Corbusier's St. Pierre Church in Firminy
has finally been completed. "Le Corbusier, born
Charles Jeanneret, fought for years for this church,
with bishops and building authorities. He couldn't
understand why they didn't just trust him; he was, in
the early 1960s, the most influential architect of the
century, an architectural revolutionary. He had
already built two much-admired churches, in Ronchamp
and Eveux, and now there should be a triad, an
architectural trinity. But in Firminy in southern
France, a mining town of 20,000 near Lyon, there
wasn't enough money." For forty years, the unfinished
church, "a submarine bunker" waited to be either
completed or torn down. Financing from the
municipality and the EU finally made the former
possible. "It still looks unfinished, definitely
eccentric. A bit like a cooling tower or maybe a
volcano. A huge sand castle? A silo to God?"

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