What are you reading

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 15 09:27:18 CDT 2006

Based on personal interest/enjoyment, vs. any attempt
at assesing lasting literary value ...

1. Gravity's Rainbow
2. The Crying of Lot 49
3. Mason & Dixon
4. V.
5. Vineland
6. Slow Learner

... and here's to hoping ATD enters at LEAST @ No. 4,
with a bullet or no ...

--- mikebailey at speakeasy.net wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Michael J. Hußmann
> [mailto:michael at michael-hussmann.de]
> > Joseph T (brook7 at sover.net) wrote:
> >
> > 1. GR
> > 2. Vineland
> > 3. COL49
> > 4. V
> > 5. M&D (to be honest, I never finished it, and I
> doubt I ever will)
> > 6. SL (I happen to like "The Small Rain", though)
> 1) Vineland (just can't get enough of that hippie
> stuff) plus it is so multifaceted - I can
> contemplate it thinking of Zoyd, or Vond, or Frenesi
> as the main character, or even Weed Atman ("I'm not
> big, just tall, that's all"), or the DL and Takeshi
> combo
> 2) M&D (watching him hit his stride again after
> Vineland's Beckett-ian ending - the implied, "I
> can't go on, I'll go on"
> 3) 49 Tristero Dies Irae, tryst or odious awry, I
> need to reread this one again soon...1st time thru
> was disappointed the same way that I was
> disappointed with Foucault's Pendulum - no closure
> on the conspiracy...but have realized that is a
> feature, not a bug
> 4) V (need to reread this one and appreciate the
> historical parts, I've always focussed on the New
> York parts)
> 5) SL (my favorite is Flange, and although there's a
> touch of that Leslie Fiedler male bonding I think
> there's validity to his escape)
> 6) GR is too big for me to apprehend competently;
> need to read a buncha criticism and background
> material and tackle it again from a more educated
> vantage

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