authors influenced by Pynchon

Richard Melo richard.melo at
Sun Oct 15 16:46:41 CDT 2006

I'm an author, and I do consider myself influenced by Pynchon, William
Gaddis and countless others. My novel, Jokerman 8
( came out from Soft Skull Press in 2004, and
whether or not it's artistically successful, I don't know, but I can
say that it is artistically ambitious.

As a challenge to anyone who cares to take it up, in my book, there is
a paragraph pulled directly from a Pynchon novel and altered just
enough that even Pynchon wouldn't know he had written it.

Richard Melo

On 10/15/06, pynchonoid <pynchonoid at> wrote:
> Hard to believe this topic used to cause a such a big
> deal when it came up, but that's not my intent - I'm
> wondering which novels, written since Pynchon's work
> has been published, show the heaviest Pynchon
> influence, and which, if any, seem particularly
> successful as works of art.  I'm on a book-buying
> binge.
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. . . . . . .
Richard Melo
Portland, Oregon

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