authors influenced by Pynchon

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Sun Oct 15 18:39:44 CDT 2006

So the hallmarks of "Pynchon influence" seem to be:

-deals with historical fact with a focus on 20th
century history (esp WWII) but within a fictional
-deals with science and technology, and how they shape
-obviously learned, with references and allusions to a
vast spectrum of literature and other art works
-complex, cast of thousands, difficult to read

What else?  

Thanks for digging up references to those novels.
--- Ya Sam <takoitov at> wrote:

> Last month, Flemish author Paul Verhaeghen was
> awarded the 2005 F. Bordewijk 
> Prize for fiction, a prestigious Dutch award that
> was won by fellow WWB 
> blogger Arnon Grunberg last year.
> Verhaeghen won for OMEGA MINOR, a massive,
> all-encompassing epic about the 
> consequences of World War II. ....

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