What are you reading

Joseph T brook7 at sover.net
Mon Oct 16 10:20:54 CDT 2006

Since several p-listers responded to my query I thought it only fair  
to offer my own scale. This is based on sheer enjoyment and the  
quality of conversations engendered.

1) Vineland-  born in CA . I used to live in Arcata, ...
2) V- first experimental fiction where i was both intrigued by and  
enjoyed the narrative structure along with the dark truthtelling.
3)  GR - most impressive. Who else could write a masterpiece wiley  
stoned on the ganga? Anyone ever suggest that along with all the  
other implications that gravity's rainbow could describe Oil with its  
rainbow sheen and coal-tars turned to color dyes.
4) COL 49 one of the best short novels I can think of
5) SL
6) M&D - tried and failed  will give it another go sometime.but  
speaking of weird science I thought Bryson's Short History.. had some  
great stories in it. He got the molecular structure of glass wrong  
though; scientists have discredited the theory that glass is a  
supercooled liquid. (I work with glass). but I digress, and could  
praps digress from this digression ad infinitum but still would not  
have read M&D. Actually the Dog ate it and because this came at the  
soul wringing end of a fabricated but very intense love affair I  
could never again bring myself to..to... Oh God let the healing begin.

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