authors influenced by Pynchon

Chris Broderick elsuperfantastico at
Tue Oct 17 01:52:32 CDT 2006

More sticky, less slap.


--- giarc iksoknihcram <peeralacks at> wrote:

> i vote vollmann:
> Silently Mantis hands Hank the key to the poolroom,
> in exchange for a dollar 
> each from the two opponents; Hank unlocks the door
> and throws it open and 
> turns on the light so Wayne can see the warped
> three-legged vaguely 
> quadrilateral pool table with all of its green felt
> long since gone to green 
> mold.  – “Awright!” says Wayne with a snort (and he
> clutches at the 
> door-jamb for support, feelin’ his legs go a mite
> rubbery).  “If you think I 
> can’t bust through this dumb setup you’re gonna be
> out for the fucking 
> count.  And I s’pose the balls are ostrich eggs
> incubatin’ down on the 
> farm?”  - No-Good Hank grins and winks back at his
> friends, who are holding 
> their sides.  “Here they are, pard,” he tells Wayne
> gently, bringing them up 
> from under the table in their shoebox; and funny to
> say they do look like 
> eggs, like hardboiled Easter eggs dipped in coloring
> and now the shells are 
> zigzagged with cracks and missing bits but still
> clinging to the tough 
> sticky wobbly albumen lining (and the eight-ball is
> actually a bug-egg of 
> some kind; and one of these days Mantis plans to
> roll it under the bar and 
> fertilize it with his own jizzum and let all the
> horrors inside it loose).
> p334 - YBARA

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