authors influenced by Pynchon

Ya Sam takoitov at
Tue Oct 17 04:24:29 CDT 2006

Yeah, I think so. Slavic languages are synthetic (inflexions and all) and 
the words with different genders will have different forms. I browsed some 
Czech sites, and I think that in the original her nickname is Psica, a 
female form of Pes (Dog or male dog), so she would be She-Dog which is quite 
awkward in English. On the other hand Die Rattin from Gunter Grass's The Rat 
is also translated as She-Rat. They have more rude words, so seemed to me, 
like cubka and fenka, and these would correspond more to the word 'bitch'.

>From: Steven <mcquaryq at>
>To: Ya Sam <takoitov at>
>CC: pynchon-l at
>Subject: Re: authors influenced by Pynchon
>Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 21:18:17 -0400
>	His girl-friend She-Dog?  Sister to Bee-ah-tch? Is this one of those  
>translation thingies? <g>  Really, though, it sounds quite good.   Thanks 
>for the ref.
>On Oct 16, 2006, at 8:46 AM, Ya Sam wrote:
>>See for yourself. This book marvelously conjures up images from its  
>>descriptions, and you too drift through space."

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