Wallace Re: authors under the influence

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 10:45:57 CDT 2006

I tend to think I find plenty of tedium in everyday
life, without having to search out more in a book or

Next time I'm feeling bored, or boring somebody else,
I'll just morph the experience into conceptual art. 
"Hey, I feel better already! I'm not bored, I'm an

Given the wildly conflicting opinions re Wallace, he
must be doing something right, so I'll look at his
stuff again.  First there will be Against the Day to
deal with, after getting Les Bienveillantes out of the

--- Will Layman <WillLayman at comcast.net> wrote:
[...] I think that is part of the
> art of it.   The  
> book grinds on you, kind of saying, You think this
> is tedious, well  
> that's REALLY what it is, and you can't
> sentimentalize it. [...]

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