More Against the Days

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Tue Oct 17 13:03:50 CDT 2006

On Oct 17, 2006, at 1:31 PM, rich wrote:

> I think if there was any inkling of a major row between the big  
> powers in the early part of the 20th C, many probably thought it'd  
> be short and victorious campaign (funny that the french, the  
> british, and the germans all thought the same)
> geez, were they wrong

afterwards the League of Nations and still later the Kellogg-Briand  
pact were designed to present this sort of thing.

they didn't
> rich
>  It might be argued that WW1 was, at the time, the
> foreseeable conclusion to an arms' race that began in the 1880s, as  
> well as,
> eg, the scramble for Africa and other colonialist conflicts. One  
> can see how
> contemporary commentators (pro- or anti-Imperialism) might have  
> used the
> phrase in those two ways.

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