P-listers Help! Translation needed!

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 14:49:59 CDT 2006

It's not a long poem, and the title is also the final
line.  Most of it is in those lyrics, only a few more
lines.  I havent' been able to find it online yet,

Good reason to buy Aragon in the Pleiade edition, I

Several of our number seem to stocking up on books
these days, what an offlist correspondent suggested to
"fill the ATD-sized hole" or something like that.
I bought the novel Jokerman 8 written by Richard Melo,
which he mentioned in his post the other day, and am
looking forward to receiving that in the near future,

Meanwhile, pushing into Les Bienveillantes which is
holding my interest so far.

--- Dave Monroe <monropolitan at yahoo.com> wrote:

> All I could find quickly, so ...
> --- pynchonoid <pynchonoid at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I guess somebody adapted part of Aragon's poem,
> "Il
> > n'y a pas d'amour heureux" (which begins, "Rien
> > n'est jamais acquis à l'homme" ) for song lyrics?
> > 
> > --- Dave Monroe <monropolitan at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > http://lyriz.no-ip.org/chanson.php?idlien=5763
> > >
> >
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