Vietnam World War II Gravity's Rainbow

Tore Rye Andersen torerye at
Sat Oct 21 04:21:14 CDT 2006

>Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 13:02:16 -0400
>From: "bob mccart" <lebishar at>
>Subject: Re: Vietnam World War II Gravity's Rainbow

>Thanks for the replies. I see a mention of a letter quoted through a
>critical essay. I feel that I'm one of the few here who doesn't have copies
>of the letters. There's mention somewhere that soem University library in
>Texas has a few that I can't figure out are sealed or not like the ones in
>New York. Apparently those new york letters are sealed until five years
>after death. Not that we're waiting or hoping for that

No, you're not the only one who doesn't have copies of these letters. The 
letter I referred to in my post was neither a part of the legendary "Of a 
Fond Ghoul" volume (a selection of letters between Pynchon and Corlies 
Smith) nor the correspondence between Pynchon and Candida Donadio (now in 
the Carter Burden collection in the Pierpont Morgan Library). The 
herero-letter is quoted more or less in full in David Seed's book from 1988, 
The Fictional Labyrinths of Thomas Pynchon, so as opposed to the Corlies 
Smith and Candida Donadio letters, it's in the public domain.

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