It's beginning to start

kelber at kelber at
Mon Oct 23 14:45:41 CDT 2006

I'm not sure I want to read a blog on ATD before it's even in my hands.  I certainly don't want any spoilers or pre-conceived notions affecting my first read.  

What happened on this list when M&D was released?  Did people start commenting on the book from Day 1, was there some sort of observed anti-spoiler code, or what?


-----Original Message-----
>From: Ya Sam <takoitov at>
>Sent: Oct 23, 2006 2:29 PM
>To: pynchon-l at
>Subject: It's beginning to start
>or starting to begin
>from the return of the reluctant blog
>"Pynchon Red Alert
>October 23rd, 2006
>I’ve been informed that Against the Day is now in transit from New York. 
>Reading and reporting will begin IMMEDIATELY upon its arrival. "
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