The Dragon and the Eagle by A. Owen Aldridge
pynchonoid at
Fri Oct 27 11:20:35 CDT 2006
Just received this book, of interest perhaps to Mason
& Dixon readers, although China is likely to have some
place in Against the Day as well. The author, A.Owen
Aldridge, argues that, contrary to previous
assumptions that "the image of China did not penetrate
North America until after the inauguration of the
trade between Canton and the East Coast shortly after
the War for Independence came to an end....a lively
curiosity about non-Western culture existed in America
before the middle of the eighteenth century and that a
good deal of accurate information about it was
available during the American Revolution aklong with
an almost equal amount of myth and legend....The
following pages will reveal some extraordinary
instances of this relationship: Franklin at the age of
thirty-two publishing in his Philadelphia newspaper an
analysis of the thought of Confucious, brother-in-law
Thomas Paine comparing Confucious and Christ as great
moral teachers...."
The Dragon and the Eagle: The Presence of China in the
American Enlightenment
by A. Owen Aldridge. Wayne State University Press.
Detroit, Michigan. 1993.
"everything connects"
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