David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Sep 7 13:25:34 CDT 2006

>From the article:

"It appears that the film script has a Machiavellian life of its own.
An increasingly hysterical [Laura} Dern is pursued from one fraught
scene to the next by a queue of assorted creeps."

For me, Laura Dern will always remain the dropped-jaw act-less actress
of Jurasic Park, a truly dead performance.

On 9/7/06, Ya Sam <takoitov at> wrote:
> EVEN by David Lynch's weird standards his latest thriller is an exasperating
> stretch. For three chilly hours we shadow a small cast of artists and
> prostitutes as their identities are deliberately blurred in one of the most
> impenetrable films ever made.
David Morris

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