Contemporary Fiction

Ya Sam takoitov at
Thu Sep 14 07:56:28 CDT 2006

I found Gravity's
>Rainbow in the library at Camp Howze, a US Army
>facility 6 km from the DMZ, in the Republic of Korea,
>in the summer of 1973, not long after it had been
>published and, young daredevil that I was, without
>asking anybody for a recommendation on an Internet
>email group, I checked it out and read it, and went on
>to read the other books Pynchon had published, again
>without asking for anybody else's approval.

Right. That's why I'm not giving up on contemporary literature, because a 
literary phenomenon of the scale similar to Proust, Joyce, Thomas Mann, 
Pynchon may appear any time and I want to discover this writer for myself 
the way you did it, without any advice 'from out there'.

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