AtD--How Does It Fit/Great Global novels

Carvill John johncarvill at
Sat Sep 16 12:51:35 CDT 2006

>Some people have said they're not interested in
>reading/talking about the period in question because the experience of
>reading the novel will be, somehow, spoiled. .......

>.....However, we wouldn't ignore a novel about, say, the
>2004 Olympics, or enjoy it any the less, because we already knew who won a
>particular race.

Definitely take your point. But often, I feel that I'm not inspired to read 
too much about, say, the Chicago Fair, until Pynchon has fired my interest. 
One other point: I'm not the first to mention this, but so far we've seen a 
lot of discussion on events/places/times mentioned in teh blurb, and very 
little on people eg Marx, Tesla etc.

>It's what he does with his sources that will be


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