
pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 20 11:07:43 CDT 2006

P seems to leave a tiny bit of wiggle room, doesn't
he, so why not wiggle? But it seems a very weak
argument to me, and I'll read Takeshi as the same
character in the two novels.  

> >>c) if he was 18 in 1945, then by 1984 he would be
> 57
> >Isn't that a bit too old? Takeshi Fumimoto's age
> isn't ever mentioned,
> >as far as I'm aware, but I never get the impression
> he's nearing 60.
> >He's never described as fat, unlike his counterpart
> in GR. 

Not unusual for a person's body to change over the
course of a lifetime.  I weigh 25 pounds less than I
did 2 years ago, which gives me a noticeably different

>He's compared
> >to Robert Redford, born in 1936 or 1937. He got
> married during the
> >sixties. And as far as his "interesting work with
> airplanes" and DL's
> >ironical remark about suicide being his former
> lifestyle is concerned:
> >DL doesn't believe many things Takeshi claims to
> have been or have done
> >-- why should we?

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