ATDTDA (5): The less fashionable one, 146-148
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Sun Apr 1 04:45:05 CDT 2007
I can tie all these points together on the Horus theme,
or equally, see "Fleet"wood Vibe as in Mercury, Hermes:
> "If anyone observed me shaking from time to time...
> Our introduction to FV was as his father's lackey...
> a story about you out there, dispatching a coolie or something...
> Cf: Scarsdale Vibe and the "elderly woman" (31)...
> FV has claimed the "coolie" he shot "was looking at me strangely"...
> the bad dream I still try to wake from" (148).
Chipping away at the little points first,
> Cf: Scarsdale Vibe and the "elderly woman" (31)...
I was just reading Sheperd of Hermes, in which
it is said that "the elderly woman IS the church".
De Pastor van Hermas - First Book: Visions - First Vision
> the bad dream I still try to wake from" (148).
>From my long exposition at... I grab this B quote...
My intent in this disclosure is that you might know this taboo
domain is so pervasive. As Baudelaire closed "My Earlier Life":
"My only care to bring to meaning from anguish The sad secret
in which I languish."
> "If anyone observed me shaking from time to time...
I am lately writing a new Yom Teruah page, wherein I will
recap some prophetic literature and my spritual insights
that can be read as condemning WTC 9/11 as self-inflicted.
In the course of that, I wandered off track to describe my
youthful existential crisis. The common point is shaking.
Hours later, when news came on TV about the World Trade Center attacks,
I knew what it meant, at least in general form. I joined many prophecy
forums and began to share correlations of this event to prophecies in
scriptures and in other texts, and diligently sought more information.
It's not like I was unprepared for it. My life had been changed years
earlier to be all about solving Revelation, the meaning of Apocalypse.
In the summer of 1976 I lost a day of my life. That is, I lost all
memory of what happened one night, probably because psychiatric
drugs administered for an acute psychosis prevented the permanent
reorganization of short term memories into long term memories. Or
perhaps what I suddenly knew was too dreadful to even think upon.
I recall a cloud of darkness of some kind entering into my bedroom
in the late evening, and by morning, I was talking crazy to my dad.
For example, I told him I thought a big candle on the coffee table
was a bomb.--If I were to light it, the whole world would blow up!
By mid-day, I was not even able to speak at all. I kept shaking two
stones violently together in my right hand to make a warning, as if
what I suddenly had learned and somehow had to communicate was not
speakable. In fact it was probably 'unlawful' to speak, to quote Paul.
One mental image I remember was of an urn or vase sort of floating
alone in a representational space. In the mouth of it was darkness.
A soft light shone upon it from the upper right. Spontaneously the
vessel began to craze. The crazing of it became finer and thorough
throughout the whole surface and body of the vessel. Destruction
was integral to, and in fact the very essence of the vessel itself.
I reckon it as a mathematical sponge, or an N+1 dimensional Klein
bottle whose self-intersection was not as in the usual schoolbook
illustration, but evenly distributed everywhere through the vessel.
Meanwhile, in my existential crisis, I tried to become 'smaller' to
escape divine inspection and wrath, like a pebble that could think,
having to stop its atoms from even vibrating to get ever smaller,
a grain, powder, vanishingly small.
About catatonic by the time my parents drove me to the psychiatric
crisis center, I accepted their meds, and laid down to be totally
engaged with a sunbeam that was coming through a gap in the blinds.
Although I could not move my body, my insides felt like they were
violently trembling from fear. Every heart beat scared me like the
tick of a timer poised to blow up, and destroy existence itself.
Why did I say all that? In subsequent years of mental illness, I
occasionally would be overcome by dread when hearing a helicopter
flying overhead, fearing that one of its blades would fall off,
and exactly so as to strike and behead me. This is an essential
archaic symbol. I had never even seen the movie, 'The Exorcist'.
This was prior to seriously hearing of and accepting Jesus Christ.
Once, I entered a severe dread state and had to be hospitalized,
just from seeing a cartoon in an electronics magazine in which a
ham radio operator is saying, 'Come in, x8296' while a jet plane
with that call sign is poised above and about to strike his house.
I said all that to say, I have been groomed to be ready to recognize
the sign of the end-time: the abomination of desolation, or, rather,
desolating abomination, as was foretold in the Book of Revelation.
The 9/11/2001 WTC destruction is surely that very prophesied sign.
I chuckled reading that, because indeed, I have become a sponge,
of limitless surface area, soaking up all about good and evil,
often in vivo, and the godhead, and judgment, and the eschaton.
> Cf: Scarsdale Vibe and the "elderly woman" (31)...
To pick pg 31 up again, she tells the elder Vibe, Scarsdale Vibe:
"If I were your mother, I would have strangled you in the cradle."
This picks up the Isis-Horus mother-son filial cunnilingus act:
Isis hid Horus from Seth amongst the papyrus of the Nile delta.
Now, a triple header, and more:
> Our introduction to FV was as his father's lackey...
> a story about you out there, dispatching a coolie or something...
> FV has claimed the "coolie" he shot "was looking at me strangely"...
Fleetwood Vibe IS that coolie, both shot with his own penis,
AND cast into an (existential) abyss, as I said of Hamlet.
Because filial fellatio distills bad and good, death and life,
master and slave, upon father and son--perhaps the source of
the power of the Pharoahs--FV is the model child to the evil SV.
For, as Rev's letter to Thyatira says, which is a double letter
applicable to both SV and FV, yet with its subtle distinctions:
2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee,
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel,
which calleth herself a prophetess,
to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication,
and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
2:21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication;
and she repented not.
2:22 Behold,
I will cast her into a bed,
and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation,
except they repent of their deeds.
2:23 And I will kill her children with death;
and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts:
and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
2:24 But unto you I say,
and unto the rest in Thyatira,
as many as have not this doctrine,
and which have not known the depths of Satan,
as they speak;
I will put upon you none other burden.
2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.
2:26 And he that overcometh,
and keepeth my works unto the end,
to him will I give power over the nations:
2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron;
as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers:
even as I received of my Father.
2:28 And I will give him the morning star.
Here is the bonus round:
> Odalisque = female slave of female sexual slaves of the Sultan
Part of my existential crisis was implication of homosexuality,
though raised very homophobic, upon autofellatio. As the sexual
slave of my mother, a sexual slave of my father, the Sultan....
Your mention of manner of reclining also captures AF contortion.
> Pynchon revealed the Nunatak 'spirit' as an odalisque.
'For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.'
The Hunting of the Snark
Apparently, as the poem states, the Snark was a Boojum.
However, the following describes the Baker's last words,
when the others see him leaping and cheering on a nearby hilltop:
"It's a Snark!" was the sound that first came to their ears,
And seemed almost too good to be true.
Then followed a torrent of laughter and cheers:
Then the ominous words "It's a Boo-"
Then, silence.
The others disagree whether they heard the syllable "-jum" after this.
So, in what should have been to capture that dynastic fatherhood
by filial fellatio, the snark, he has instead captured the self-
identical father, and has acquired the evil imputation of boojum,
for making any rational distinction will take years more enquiry,
in the very moment of that autofellatio speech act that slew him.
A vital point of my research is to disambiguate "morning star".
Cosmically, Venus and Mars are both morning stars, because their
small orbits put them close to the sun at sunrise, when they are
very visible. The "bright and morning star" of the two is Venus.
Now Venus is Isis is Astarte, but at the end of Revelation, is
said, "I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and
morning star." Presumably Jesus, a biological male, is speaking.
But all mythology says that is a female symbol. And my Egyptian
research shows that ISIS was prayed too, as able to forgive sin.
Furthermore, as the Laodicean letters says "I will GIVE him the
morning star", does that mean a female consort, or an attribute?
Of course, Lucifer, the fallen angel, is the son of the morning.
I think this, in Job, describes the metanoia due to a first AF:
38:7 When the morning stars sang together,
and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Gee, all the surrounding verses are alive with sexual metaphors.
I'll have to put that on my long list of things to study.
Indulge me this lucid moment to continue with correlations of
facts from here... to the sevenfoldness of Revelation:
Jewish mysticism recognizes seven heavens.
Shamayim - The first Heaven, governed by Archangel Gabriel, is the
closest of heavenly realms to the Earth; it is also considered the
abode of Adam and Eve.
Raquia - The second Heaven is dually controlled by Zachariel and
Raphael. It was in this Heaven that Moses, during his visit to
Paradise, encountered the angel Nuriel who stood "300 parasangs
high, with a retinue of 50 myriads of angels all fashioned out
of water and fire." Also, Raquia is considered the realm where
the fallen angels are imprisoned and the planets fastened.
Shehaqim - The third Heaven, under the leadership of Anahel,
serves as the home of the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life;
it is also the realm where manna, the holy food of angels,
is produced. The Second Book of Enoch, meanwhile, states that
both Paradise and Hell are accommodated in Shehaqim with Hell
being located simply " on the northern side."
Machonon - The fourth Heaven is ruled by the Archangel Michael,
and according to Talmud Hagiga 12, it contains the heavenly Jerusalem,
the Temple, and the Altar.
Machon - The fifth Heaven is under the administration of Samael,
an angel referred to as evil by some but is merely a dark servant
of God to others.
Zebul - The sixth Heaven falls under the jurisdiction of Zachiel.
Araboth - The seventh Heaven, under the leadership of Cassiel,
is the holiest of the seven Heavens provided the fact that it
houses the Throne of Glory attended by the Seven Archangels and
serves as the realm in which God dwells; underneath the throne
itself lies the abode of all unborn human souls. It is also
considered the home of the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Hayyoth.
Sorry. Ten minutes passed. The fleeting insights have escaped me.
Maybe not. The second, sea, relates to filal cunnilingus only;
The third, filial fellatio only; the fourth, both are present;
So the first, neither present. The remaining 3, and omitted 4th,
probably apply to daughters rather than sons, of four conditions.
Emily Dickinson, always dressed in white, is a type of the fifth,
Smyrna, and her mention of "crowing... on my father's breast"
makes me assign filial fellatio, reflecting third, agreeing with
my sometimes-theory of a chialistic organization, in which the
missing eighth is at the two-fold fourth. You get the details...
Let's see. This is not my set of referents, but probably work,
Ramaka, beneath which is the Barren Wind, which can be bridled by
no fewer than seventy thousand angels. With this wind God destroyed
the people of Ad. The inhabitants of Ramaka are a nation called
Muwashshim, upon whom is everlasting torment and divine retribution.
The second earth is called Khalada, wherein are the implements of
torture for the inhabitants of Hell. There dwells a nation called
Tamis, whose food is their own flesh and whose drink is their own blood.
The third earth is called Arqa, wherein dwell mulelike eagles with
spearlike tails. On each tail are three hundred and sixty poisonous
quills. Were even one quill placed on the face of the earth, the
entire universe would pass away. The inhabitants thereof are a nation
called Qays, who eat dirt and drink mothers' milk.
The fourth earth is called Haraba, wherein dwell the snakes of Hell,
which are as large as mountains. Each snake has fangs like tall palm
trees, and if they were to strike the hugest mountain with their fangs
it would be leveled to the ground. The inhabitants of this earth are
a nation called Jilla, and they have no eyes, hands or feet but have
wings like bats and die only of old age.
The fifth earth is called Maltham, wherein stones of sulphur hang
around the necks of infidels. When the fire is kindled the fuel is
placed on their breasts, and the flames leap up onto their faces,
as He hath said: The fire whose fuel is men and stones (2:24), and
Fire shall cover their faces (14:50). The inhabitants are a nation
called Hajla, who are numerous and who eat each other.
The sixth earth is called Sijjin. Here are the registers of the
people of Hell, and their works are vile, as He hath said: Verily
the register of the actions of the wicked is surely Sijjin (83:7).
Herein dwells a nation called Qatat, who are shaped like birds and
worship God truly.
The seventh earth is called Ajiba and is the habitation of Iblis.
There dwells a nation called Khasum, who are BLACK and short, with
claws like lions. It is they who will be given dominion over Gog
and Magog, who will be destroyed by them.
The author of the page adds, but he does not see...
"It is not hard to see these tales are nonsense. These are fairy tales
that even children today would laugh at. As it has been proven time and
again, Quran is wrong in almost all its assertions."
My first impression is that these run in the opposite order of
Revelation and the Jewish heavens. The seventy reminds me that
I mapped 70 x 7 on my auto-erotic tryst with a dancer, as told
here before, who makes my seventh (near-)coital partner, and my
seventh seal, and/or trumpet and/or vial. Ajiba's lion reminds
me of the Lion beast of the first seal. Their third is my fifth,
for in sardis are the lesbians (like unto horses, coitus, but
not actually horses) and the autocunnilingtress: If on quill,
or pubic hair, is placed on her (own) face, the earth, which is
herself, is destroyed, as is the case of Emily D's metanoia.
Again, stuff I gotta pore over. BFN.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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