His Writing Techniques

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 1 08:15:32 CDT 2007

  I really likee learning this. Yes, somehow his 'layering' technique all feeds into
  this masterwork, ATD, I think too.
  And we can see partly what it means for GR (and others) IMHO....scene in mind, then the filling in of details...

Dave Monroe <monropolitan at yahoo.com> wrote:
  ... he was extremely exacting about his writing
techniques: "You know, Bruce, those high school
biology texts with centerfold transparencies, first
the skeleton, and then the muscles ... well this is
the technique I use for writing." Don't ask me to
explain that statement, other than the reference to
the layers. It also sounds almost like the way a wafer
(silicon chip) is made: layer upon layer and each
layer with encoded metallurgic pathways that spell out
"yes" and "no" according to how the electrons interact
on the subatomic level. (Forgive me. I am not a
scientist or an electrical engineer...so...just a
picture here of how Ervin set words down layer upon
layer, transparency upon transparency.) ...


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