
Lawrence Bryan lebryan at
Sun Apr 1 16:06:54 CDT 2007

It is with some trepidation that I post to this list. The last time I  
was on this list was about 12 years ago, pre M&D. My sig then was  
grip at Netcom has long bit the dust and "grip" has settled  
into a nice retirement home at I doubt anyone from  
those somewhat less  than halcyon days is still on the list which was  
run out of a university in southern California (Pomona?) if i  
remember and had, interestingly, given the name Pomona, many pomo  
adherents. (Not to be insulting to post modernists, if any, on the  
list, but that was the term batted about.)

Joining the list now is like one of those nightmares where one is  
back in college and realizes one has been skipping a class for weeks  
and it's time for the final exam and one can't remember exactly where  
the class met or what time the exam was and can't even seem to find  
the building in which one seems to recall attending the first class  

Okay. I guess I should start by reading the damned book which I  
bought when it first came out but which is setting by my bed, unread.  
I'm almost afraid to start it. Maybe it's because I'm afraid it will  
be like M&D, a bitter disappointment. But enough of that.

Hello from San Jose. I'll have some catching up to do and may not  
post for a while, but the snippets I have read have generated enough  
interest to get me to put reading Mr. P's latest on my list along  
with doing my taxes and other sundry items.

Lawrence, nee grip at

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