ATDTDA (6) 'Fax

Jasper jasper.fidget at
Mon Apr 2 16:04:46 CDT 2007

Interesting, these names.  The Vibe men can be shortened: 'Fax, 'Mont,
'Wood, 'Dale -- unlike the Traverse men: Webb, Frank, Reef, Kit.
Polysyllabic = rich, monosyllabic = poor?

On Mon, 2007-04-02 at 23:26 +0300, Ya Sam wrote:
> So Colfax Vibe is called 'Fax. Here is my crazy theory. When his dad to test 
> his naivete orders him to bring satchels with money to different officials 
> he never looks inside deliviring the 'message' exactly the way it is, like a 
> fax machine.
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