ATDTDA (6): Portal

bekah bekah0176 at
Mon Apr 2 18:57:24 CDT 2007

You bet,  Sam.   I noticed that portal and I'll be  up to it on 
Wednesday but like I said,  go ahead of me if it's appropriate or 
keep posting about Vormance.      I doubt the subject of portals and 
ghosts will be expired by the end of my hosting duties.  (g)


At 11:55 PM +0300 4/2/07, Ya Sam wrote:
>Bekah, I'm not taking away your bread, I swear! It's just on the 
>spur of the moment and related to the discussion we've been having.
>Not sure if this was mentioned. We've been discussing various 
>portals as well as the identity of the city destroyed by the figure. 
>Here it seems to me we have an indication that the destruction took 
>place in another dimension and that the city is NYC:
>'Through the miles of coalsmoke and salt haze, Kit could make out a 
>few semivisible towers of the city of New York, descended upon by 
>radial shafts of late sunlight from behind and among clouds that 
>seemed almost their own heavenly prototypes, what photographers 
>called a "two-minute sky," destined rapidly to cloud over and maybe 
>even start dropping some rain. "When I  came up here by myself, it 
>was to look at the city—I thought there had to be some portal into 
>another world. . . . '
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