NP & P Themes; What means Khazar, Ashkenazi?

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Tue Apr 3 05:34:54 CDT 2007

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A thousand years before the establishment of the Modern State of Israel, there 
existed a Jewish kingdom in the eastern fringes of Europe, astride the Don and 
Volga rivers, presided over by two Jewish monarchs and inhabited by a mixed 
population that included many Jews.

The story of the Khazars came to the attention of a famous Spanish Jewish 
diplomat and physician named Hasdai ibn Shaprut. He was amazed and inspired by 
what he learned about this people. Upon learning from Byzantine messengers that 
Khazaria was ruled by a king named Yosef and that they are a powerful military 
and commercial center, Hasdai ibn Shaprut wrote "...I was filled with power, my 
hands became strong, and my hope gained courage."

The main ethnic element of Ashkenazim (German and Eastern European Jews), 
Sephardim (Spanish and Portuguese Jews), Mizrakhim (Middle Eastern Jews), 
Juhurim (Mountain Jews of the Caucasus), Italqim (Italian Jews), and most other 
modern Jewish populations of the world is Israelite. The Israelite haplotypes 
fall into haplogroups J and E.

Psellos's Chronographia permits an indepth analysis of the use made by an 
exponent of the dominant ideology of minority group stereotypes - rebels, oafish 
clowns and churls who make the patriot's blood boil; feeble-minded women and 
unnatural eunuchs; Alanian and Tauroskythian barbarians; unchristian Hellenes - 
in an extended narrative text of high-level prose. My conclusion is that Psellos 
uses stereotypes to conceptualize and encode in the linguistic and 
lexicographical complexities of his text the outsiders he identified in his 
society, but that this use does not descend to prejudice, but shows "how it 
really was."

  Swimmers and sea-creatures, both mythical and actual, take their places in a 
strong current running through the art of the early Christian period. Their 
diverse sources meet in a confluence of verbal and visual imagery so varied in 
purpose that it challenges the historian to look for distinct traditions, and 
for the way they may or may not merge into the general flow. Dolphins, for 
example, belong in antiquity to Dionysus. In this respect, their connection with 
In a general sense, much water imagery expresses actual or wished-for well-being 
in association with the bounty of the fertile deep. The understanding of this 
propitious implication can extend from worldly into spiritual settings, raising 
the depths to new heights to indicate the universality of heavenly power,
Even in such a desert setting as Sinai, the sea is used a vivid metaphor. John 
Climacus envisions the monk immersed in theological texts as a swimmer in 
dangerous waters, This usage is entirely different from the evocation of 
enjoyment woven into a late antique textile depicting a Neried carrying a bowl 
of wine, or the practical pleasure Cassiodorus takes in a pool communicating 
with the sea to provide fish dinners for his monks.

Though Paul is balding and bandy-legged, his face possesses angelic beauty, and 
Thecla becomes as intensely devoted to Paul as any romantic heroine. The jilted 
Thamyris in turn plays the traditional part of rejected suitor.

Synesius of Cyrene's liveliest narrative is contained in Ep.5 Garzya. Strandec 
along the coast awaiting repairs to the ship which should have carried him from 
Alexandria to Cyrene, Synesius composed for his brother Euoptius the history of 
his disastrous voyage. Every conceivable jinx should have warned him not to 
embark. The captain and his crew make up the unlucky number thirteen. More than 
half of them are Jewish and therefore malevolent towards all Hellenes, the rest 
are inexperienced landsmen. Every one of them is physically deformed. The ship 
performs the nautical equivalent of tripping on the threshold by running aground 
two or three times before it even gets out of the harbor. The journey itself 
lives down to its auspices.

The priority of vision over the other senses for access to the sacred past is 
also clear in another type of pilgrim account: pilgrimage to living ascetics. 
The Historia Monachorum in Aegypto frequently alludes to the reliability of 
seeing over hearing for religious memory. The assumed permanence of visual 
experience leads some pilgrims to be dissatisfied with the blessing of an 
immured ascetic; their persistence is motivated by a desire to gaze upon the 
face of the ascetic (1.6-9).

The use of short-term or branch mints supporting Byzantine military operations 
is well documented by the coinage, especially under the two great expansionist 
emperors, Justinian and Heraclius.

Today we are accustomed to the view that the foundation of Constantinople marked 
a turning-point in the history of the Roman Empire - whether we look at it as 
the inauguration of the Byzantine Empire or as the beginning of the decline and 
fall of the Western Empire.

Following their occupation of Constantinople in April 1204,the Crusaders 
systematicall y looted the palaces, mansions and churches of the city:

Although Constantinople's prominent role in the growth of the Virgin's cult ...
  Church dedications to the Virgin in Rome are unknown within this particular 
time period. On the other hand, Constantinople had many documented Virgin 
churches built or extensively renovated in the first half of the 6th century. 

The author reveals the encoded semantics of images depicted on amulets, 
drawings, potter's stamps, and toreutics. Their ideas on the structure of the 
universe and calendrical cycles are reconstructed; the symbolism of supreme 
power is considered in connection to the "kagan-bek" opposition. Considerable 
attention is paid to amulets - the most widespread attribute of Khazarian 

It is virtually impossible to overstress the importance of the fact that the 
standard type of the domed posticonoclastic Byzantine church building was 
ideally suited to serve as the receptacle for the new system of interior 
decoration in which the cosmological schema served as a vehicle by which the 
Liturgical Year not only commemorated Christ's Mission on earth, but also, 
through the repeated liturgical re-enactments of that mission, conveyed the 
notion of Eternal Time, just as did its ultimate model the Christianized 

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China and India both know about underground UFO base in the Himalayan border 
area deep into the tectonic plates Staff Reporter January 09, 2005

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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