Deflating Hyperspace
David Casseres
david.casseres at
Tue Apr 3 20:25:39 CDT 2007
On 4/1/07, bekah <bekah0176 at> wrote:
> Schrödinger's Cat
> <
> t/SchrodCat.html>
> In the early 1930's Erwin Schrödinger published a way of thinking about
> the circumstance of radioactive decay that is still useful. We imagine an
> apparatus containing just one Nitrogen-13 atom and a detector that will
> respond when the atom decays. Connected to the detector is a relay connected
> to a hammer, and when the atom decays the relay releases the hammer which
> then falls on a glass vial containing poison gas. We take the entire
> apparatus and put it in a box. We also place a cat in the box, close the
> lid, and wait 10 minutes.
> We then ask: Is the cat alive or dead?
> The answer according to quantum mechanics is that it is 50% dead and 50%
> alive.
Or neither, until we open the box and the wave-function "collapses" to
reveal either a live cat or a dead one. Note that Schrödinger saw the
absurdity of this result, and in fact he proposed his thought-experiment in
order to express his discomfort with the "Copenhagen Interpretation" of
quantum mechanics.
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