ATDTDA (5.1) - The Etienne-Louis Malus

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Wed Apr 4 08:19:19 CDT 2007

--- Monte Davis <monte.davis at> wrote:

> Dave Monroe wrote:
> >What would a temporalization of time (or of
> >space, for that matter) look like?
> Like Augustine sez: "When someone asks me what
> time is, I know the answer, but when he asks me
> to explain it, I no longer know.." There are 
> suggestive angles in cosmology/general relativity
> (arrow of time set by a very-low-entropy Big Bang)
> and quantum theory (wave function collapse, 
> decoherence).
> Ooops, I did it again: "arrow of time" is pretty
> damn spatial, too.

So is "angles," for that matter.  "Wave."  But both
Bakhtin and Derrida sympathize with our plight here. 
Words are always already only half one's own ...

At best, so ...

> All I have to contribute in the AtD context is
> what I've tried to get across in assorted Weird
> Science posts: that contrary to more than a 
> century of science-flavored spiritualism and
> science popularization and SF, neither non-
> Euclidean geometry nor quaternions nor relativity 
> provides justification for "time as the fourth
> dimension" in the sense of "past/future is really
> sorta kinda like up/down, left/right. and 
> near/far." Whatever time is, it isn't that.

Qualitatively different then and not merely apparently
so as a result of physiology, culture, what have you? 
Meanwhile, what I've been trying to contribute is a
sense of how Pynchon registers, deploys, deconstructs,
whatever, such populariztions, metaphorics, whatever,
which, regardless of their scientific accuracy/verity,
may and do have very real effects nonetheless ...

Okay, requseting that Hnederson book from the library,
as mine's gone archaological again, it seems, so ...

But pehaps what I've tried 

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