ATDTDA (5): The American Corporation

Lawrence Bryan lebryan at
Thu Apr 5 03:01:51 CDT 2007

True, but wouldn't be nice if, for example, a corporation could be  
drafted? Imagine Halliburton having to do the Iraqi  reconstruction  
for cost.

Lawrence, chortling at the thought...

On Apr 4, 2007, at 8:11 PM, <mhayes at> wrote:

Dear all,

The corporation is not a person, rather it has an personal legal
identity. So in law it gets the individual rights (freedom of
expression, right to fair trial, etc). However, as many have pointed
out, it does not have the full responsibilities of a person, it doesn't
go to jail. The movie the Corporation is the best simple analysis of

Mike H

I remember being in Philosophy class, discussing
"identity" and mentioning that the corporation
is considered a person.  Nobody, including myself,
had any thoughts on where to go with that.
However, Chomsky et al, took off with it -
"what kind of a person is a corporation?"

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