ATDDTA (6) 166-170 b

Monte Davis monte.davis at
Thu Apr 5 10:18:47 CDT 2007

bekah wrote:

> 168: 5;    "He was remembering, declining into a sickbed of remembrance."
> The last volume of "Remembrance of Things Past" by  Proust was 
> dictated from his sickbed

Absolutely. This is all but a shout-out, "Yo! Marcel!" (Take it away, 

> 168:34    The Veldt went on far too long without a tree in sight, only 
> smokestacks a
> and stamp mills,...sending up an inescapable white dust that either 
> remained in the air
> for one to breathe or descended to coat housing, clothing, vegetation,
> skins of all colors.

I get a faint Weissman/Blicero Vibe, err, vibe here, only strengthened 
by the mineshaft/womb link coming up on 170.

> 168: 37    "The legal pretense would have taken the merciless honed 
> edge from  the joy of the deed itself, it scarcely mattered whether or 
> not the Kaffir had  stolen the stone..."
> "joy of the deed itself"   (eeks)

Like Meursault killing a random Algerian in _The Stranger_, say.

"L'acte gratuit," especially murder, was named in Gide's _Lafcadio_ but 
reaches back to  Dostoevsky and forward to Bret Easton Ellis &co.

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