some 1/2-arced notions on Chums vis a vis Trespassers ATDTDA related

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Thu Apr 5 14:00:44 CDT 2007

On 4/4/07, mikebailey at <mikebailey at> wrote:

> 1) Trespassers as evangelists...this still happens
> but it happened a lot more in the 70s - there was
> a whole phalanx of "Jesus Freaks" out in the
> streets and they would corner you and invite you
> to some Christian shindig...I ditched one of those
> guys by ducking into a pizzeria and out the back
> door; spent part of a day with another and had
> some stimulating discussion though he ended up
> asking me some shibboleth-question ("did Jesus
> Christ come in the spirit or the flesh?" I think
> it was, and literally yelling "heretic" or the like ...

These days, I'm inevitabley pushed to the point where I'll say
sometnhig like, "You know, back in the good old days, the Inquisition
used to burn heretics like you."  A friend has actually invited
door-to-door types in, then played Cro-Mags records 'til they got
uncomfortable and went away ...

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