ATDDTA (6) 178-179

bekah bekah0176 at
Wed Apr 11 09:30:08 CDT 2007

At 3:03 PM +0000 4/10/07, robinlandseadel at wrote:
>The fastest L.A. to S.F. car ride cuts through the Central Valley, there's
>passing reference to these parts in Vineland as well. We have a lot of Texas
>ex-pats, the survivors from Austin and their ilk tend to say things like
>"Houston looks great---in your rear view mirror".  Fresno's a whole lot like
>that, though if jammin' with Kenny Hall is your vision of paradise, come on
>down, he's got an open jam session on Wednesday at the "Basque" right off
>of Maroa.

I live about 50 miles  north of Bakersfield and 70 miles south of 
Fresno (17 miles east of Highway 99).   This town is probably 
Steinbeck's "nice little town up the road apiece" at the end of 
Grapes of Wrath.   The Hell's Angels did their thing in 1962 
Cesar Chavez didn't make the newspapers when he was organizing in the 
fields near here  (1965) and when  Credence Clearwater immortalized 
it (1968?) the radio waves banned the song.   

And now it's  that place where the air has gone badder than a 
junk-yard dog - yellow,  and not aspen-like at all.

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