William T. Vollmann (English xlation)

mikebailey at speakeasy.net mikebailey at speakeasy.net
Thu Apr 12 00:53:56 CDT 2007

Otto shared:
Vollman, William T.
Afghanistan Picture Show - or, how I learned to save the world.

(Vollman is) the only one who fits the 7-league boots of William Gaddis and Thomas Pynchon
(sez the Washington Post)

1979: the Red Army marches into Afghanistan. The country lurches
into into chaos. Partisans offer a nearly unbeatable resistance
against the many-times-greater occupying force. As the pictures
of burnt-out Soviet Panzer tanks reach America, a young American
feels himself called to action: William T. Vollman sets out to
save the world...Vollman is next to Jeffrey Eugenides, Jonathan
Franzen and David Foster Wallace as one of the most important voices
in current American literature and is said to be "the most
unconventional, exciting and imaginative author of his generation"

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