ATDDTA (6) 184.9 - 186.5

bekah bekah0176 at
Fri Apr 13 08:58:02 CDT 2007

And we wind it up with  Lew playing with fire and ice  in the forms 
of dynamite and cyclamite and getting ready to get ready to be 
elsewhere.  He goes -  and things get very strange ...

184.9	Kankakee
city in Illinois, (35 miles south of Chicago?)  where,  at a 
carnival, Lew first saw dynamite explosions.

184.28-	"It was the end of something - if not his innocence, at least 
of his faith that things would happen gradually enough to afford time 
to do something about it."

Like the "lost innocence of the city?"   Like in GR where a kind of 
faster than sound rocket will kill you prior to your being able to do 
anything.  Or like the loss of national innocence.   But it wasn't 
the loss of his innocence really - it was the end of his faith in 
himself?   Or the loss of faith in free will?  (because if extreme 
things happen too fast for you to do anything about,  then what good 
is free will in those situations?)

184.39	"The world turned all inside out."

Lew realizes that some dynamite is going to go off very nearby and 
he has just enough time to throw himself onto it in the manner of 
homeopathic medicine and the carnival trick.

homeopathic medicine:
"The use of homeopathy in America increased still further in the next 
decade.  In the period 1880-1900 they were at the height of their 
influence.  Hardly any city numbering over 50,000 souls was without a 
homeopathic hospital and many smaller communities could claim them. 
In 1890 there were 93 regular schools, 14 homeopathic and
8 eclectic. In 1900, there were 121 regular schools, 22 homeopathic 
and 10 eclectic."

Quite the opposite of  Slothrop's reaction to a rocket going off.


185:9      "Wherever he was when he came to, it didn't seem like 
Colorado anymore, nor these creatures ministering to him your usual 
run of trail scum either - more like visitors from elsewhere."

"Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

Nigel and Neville /  Lewis Carol's "Tweedledum and Tweedle Dee"?

185:24    And we now have the "New Lew,"  coming to some kind of 
recognition of himself as portrayed in Nigel's mirror.

185: 38   Neville and Nigel wear "Trilby hats, velvet knee-britches, 
fringe haircuts, gunbelts adorned with avalanche lilies and wild 
primrose."    (NOT Tweedledee and Tweedledum attire.)

Named after George du Maurier's 1894 novel Trilby.   du Maurier was a 
good friend of Henry James, who may have been miffed at the 
extraordinary success that this novel had, compared to James' own 


185:29     "The Oscar Wilde influence, he guessed."

Wilde's US excursion and lecture tour was in 1882.    Oscar Wilde 
returned to England enthusiastic about the Wild West, especially 

186:3  So off they go,  Nigel,  Neville and Lew,   because,   "... 
where else did he have to go anymore, now that he had crossed over 
what had just been revealed with such clarity as the terrible 
American divide,  between hunter and prey."

Did Lew go simply because he was now an outlaw and had to skedaddle? 
Why is this an American divide?   And I believe that Lew is now a 
confirmed member of the Anarchist communion.  He has been baptized in 
the   He is now prey.

( probably sent before) 

And that's it, foax,



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