ATDTDA 6 funny food / why beavers?

mikebailey at mikebailey at
Mon Apr 16 22:23:00 CDT 2007

Paul Nightingale wrote:
>In the same way, his first glimpse of N&N ("it didn't seem like
>Colorado anymore", 185) recalls his experience of Chicago (38). And note
>that his 'trip' in the dining room (ref "mobility" in both its meanings)
>gives him the kind of birds-eye view offered aboard the Inconvenience,
>microcosmic steak transformed into the macrocosmic "realms of
>crystallography", 183).

I was struck by the resemblance to accounts of psychedelic trips;
however, nothing on about any dynamite derivatives.
There's an interesting reference about how the body turns nitro-
glycerin into nitric acid (similar mechanism to Viagra) and relaxes/
dilates blood vessels here:

there's also a sort of hint at a vegetarian morality behind
the metamorphosis of the beef.  Lew's outward gaze being as
perspicuous as it is, it's surprising that he doesn't sense
that his own behaviour is disruptive here.  

>Hence, the key question: how does
>this "cross[ing] over compare to that experienced initially in Chicago? On
>that occasion he found himself, having met Drave, going "to register at the
>... Esthonia Hotel" (39).

a similar unawareness of himself as giving offense?  this suggests
a moral blind spot - I remember in Psychology class, the lecturer
talked about some kind of "fundamental error" prone to happen when
anybody researches anything - and I think it's tied to this blind
spot.  Though we research carefully and reason thoroughly, we're
not completely aware of the assumptions we ourselves bring to the
task (if we were, we might not need to be doing the research)

why "beavers of the brain"?  the cyclopropane has turned his
thought process inward upon itself, and he experiences it as
"beavers of the brain" - I ask myself, why beavers?  Beavers
make dams, channeling the flow of thought?  Beavers as sexual
slang referring in a Crowleyian way to the interplay of 
Khabs and Khu, or is it Kteis?  Beavers as "busy"? as furry
critters like Chip & Dale, only a bit more somber, and a
tad threatening?  some have referred to experiences of a "guardian
of the threshhold" during a psychedelic experience...

had to look up cyclopropane in Wikipedia:
Cyclopropane is an anaesthetic when inhaled, but has been superseded by other agents in modern anaesthetic practice. This is due to its extreme reactivity under normal conditions: when the gas is mixed with oxygen there is a significant risk of explosion.

there's also a reference to a "banana bond" among the carbon
molecules - shades of the "banana breakfast" in GR?

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