
David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Apr 17 11:26:53 CDT 2007

On 4/17/07, mikebailey at <mikebailey at> wrote:
> True...bad as Virginia was, Iraq's much worse.
> It is similar in that the whole thing proceeded from somebody (a "decider") making a really bad decision, a decision lacking a shred of compassion, and carrying it out, ignoring reason, civilized custom and self-restraint...

Yes, I guess at that level there is a similarity.  But I'd say the
decision-makers in Iraq have a tangible political goal.  The one at
Virginia Tech simply wished to inflict pain with no goal other than to
personally do so (although who really know what's going on in the mind
of such a person?  He could believe he has become an agent of God
too).  Is one better than the other?  I'd say one makes more
*tangible* "sense" than the other, terrible as they both are.  But
obviously the scale and long-term nature of this kind of violence in
Iraq is much greater/worse.

I just sorta react against politicizing (by comparing it to Iraq) such
an event as the V.Tech massacre.

David Morris

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