
Lawrence Bryan lebryan at
Tue Apr 17 13:02:40 CDT 2007

 >On Apr 17, 2007, at 6:03 AM, David Morris wrote:

 >On 4/16/07, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> just thinking today watching news of massacre in Virginia, thought  
> that's happening every_day_ in iraq.

 >Sure.  But the everyday killers in Iraq are vying for political
 >dominance and fighting a factional war that's been ongoing for
 >centuries.  We, the US, did cause the collapse of the previously
 >stable, but brutal regime, which itself was the byproduct of European
 >colonialism a type of brutality itself.

----->But besides the loss of life, there is no parallel with the  
----->at Virginia Tech.

Why does this statement remind me of that 60's joke, "Aside from  
that, how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"

 >David Morris

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