ATDDTA (6) 182 - 184. 5 Th
David Casseres
david.casseres at
Tue Apr 17 14:32:56 CDT 2007
Beavers of the Brain: perhaps setting the stage for the Tommyknockers we're
going to hear about pretty soon.
Bulldog: "I was standin on the corner, when I heard my bulldog bark/He was
barkin at two fellas who were gamblin in the dark" from "Stagolee," a blues
song about a bad boy.
On 4/12/07, bekah <bekah0176 at> wrote:
> Moving on to some more interesting stuff with about 17 marbled levels,
> **********
> 182: 12 "Nate...kept wasting Agency money rattling off one telegram
> after another."
> The telegram is a less esoteric method of communication than oysters
> or other methods in AtD but Nate is a less esoteric animal.
> The telegram cost an average of 30 cents per message in 1900 and
> $9.95 for 250 words today. Thirty cents in 1900 is about $7.01
> today. $9.95 today would be about .43 in 1900. It's gone up a
> bit even accounting for inflation and of course assuming the messages
> were of approximately equal length.
> (and now I can't find where I found that or what I started from)
> **********
> 182:19 "... handling explosives most of the day, must have had his
> gloves off (though some were never to buy that story) P.E.T.N. as
> best he could recall - well, maybe something a little more
> experimental ..."
> ** "something a little more experimental"
> Like L.S.D. (Lysergic acid diethylamide, - which will blow your
> mind), a crystaline compound
> ?<>
> <>
> ** P.E.T.N.
> The explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Ingredient of Semtex,
> discovered 1891.
> < >
> **********
> 182: 22 "... for he'd been visiting widely respected mad scientist
> Dr. Oyswharf, a possible unwitting supply source for Kieselguhr
> Kid-related bomb outages, ..."
> Owsley Stanley of San Francisco LSD fame <
> >
> It was known as Owsley acid.
> Also: "Oysvarf" in Yiddish means, literally, vomitus; An "oysvarf"
> translates roughly as "a little puke".
> **********
> 182:24 "...recently rumored to be working on different mixtures of
> nitro compounds and polymethylenes."
> Nitro compounds include TNT, nitroglycerine and many other
> explosives. Polymethylenes are probably polymethylene waxes used as
> stabilizers or desensitizers.
> <
> >
> **********
> 182:28 "The next thing he knew he was experiencing the hotel
> dining room in a range of colors. "
> (range of colors)
> **********
> 182:30 "The wallpaper in particular presented not a repeating
> pattern at all"
> no doubt - is it paisley?
> <>
> **********************
> 183:1 Lew sees "realms of crystallography" when he looks
> carefully at his steak..."
> I'm sure - LSD is, and creates its own, crystallography.
> <>
> This is an incredibly funny paragraph and I think I'll type it out:
> "... each section he made with his knife in facte revealing new
> vistas, among the intricately dispoed axes and polyhedra, into the
> hivelike activities of a race of very small though perfectly visible
> inhabitants who as they seethede and busteld about , to all
> appearances unaware of his scrutiny, sang miniature though
> harmonically complex little choruses in tiny , speeded-up voices
> whose every word chimed out with ever-more-polycrystalline
> luminosities of meaning - ..."
> *******
> 183: 7 "Yes, we're Beavers of the Brain..."
> This little ditty is sung by "a race of very small but perfectly
> visible inhabitants" apparently residing in Lew Basnight's steak.
> According to Pynchon Wiki the song is reminiscent of"We Represent
> the Lollipop Guild" sung by three tough-looking Munchkin boys in The
> Wizard of Oz (1939). "Beavers of the Brain" also brings to mind the
> phrase "Beaver on the brain" (describing a horny male or, perhaps,
> lesbian) which even adorns t-shirts (see below, right).
> <
> >
> *******
> 183: 12 "Keep that Bulldog in your pocket..."
> ** Bulldog" a small, "snubbie" revolver, with a very high
> power-to-weight ratio, perfect for carrying in the pocket as a
> concealed weapon. photo
> <>
> (but I suspect that the Bulldog may be related to the Beavers on line 7.
> *******
> 183: 25 "Lew came to in the town pokey..."
> He returned to consciousness in jail.
> *******
> 183:28 "Lew was back out at the Doctor's lab, looking you'd say a
> little sheepish. "About that - I forget its name - "
> and he gets a little supply of what he's after with info and directions.
> *******
> 183: 31 "no reason we shouldn't call it 'Cyclomite.'"
> Cyclopropane is a bit more than Lew can remember easily.
> *******
> 183: 35 plasticerator
> "Plasti-, moldable (in this case chewable); cera- related to Latin
> cera = wax, cerumen = earwax; -ator, an agent to modify a product.
> The word "plasticerator" does not seem to have caught on. It would
> not be a failed synonym for "plasticizer," an agent to make rigid
> plastics pliable."
> <
> >
> 184:3 "There's a strange chemical relationship between nitro
> explosives and the human heart. "
> 'The connection between explosives and psychedelics is apparently not
> based in chemistry but it has appeared elsewhere in popular culture.
> The 1967 James Bond spoof Casino Royale has a scene where pillowcases
> are inflated with a psychedelic gas, a fuse is attached, and a
> powerful explosion is the result.'
> <
> >
> ********
> 184:5 "From then on, whenever a dynamite blast went off, even far
> away out of earshot, something concurrent was triggered somewhere in
> Lew's consciousness ... after a while even if one was only about to
> go off. Anywhere. Soon he was pursuing Cyclomite habit, you'd
> have to say energetically. "
> Is this not similar to Slothrop's awareness of a rocket being launched?
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