Archaia Self-Titled

Otto ottosell at
Wed Apr 18 05:22:50 CDT 2007

The name of the company "(Soleil Zeuhl 01)" suggests that the band is
Magma-related, but isn't mentioned on this prog rock website:

Zeuhl definition
Zeuhl is an adjective in Kobaïan, the language written by Christian
Vander, drummer and founder of the French band Magma.

Pronunciation: zEU(h)l, while the EU are like a French E with a slight
U, and the (h) is a semi-silent letter which is an integrated part of
the EU, totaling in a "syllable and a half".

The word means celestial, although many times it is misunderstood as
meaning "celestial music", since the members of Magma describe the
genre of their music as Zeuhl. Zeuhl Wortz, though, means Music of the
universal might.

The genre is a mixture of musical genres like Neoclassicism,
Romanticism, Modernism and Fusion. Common elements: oppressive or
discipline-conveying feel, marching themes, throbbing bass, an
ethereal piano or Rhodes piano, and brass instruments.

2007/4/18, Keith <keithsz at>:

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