Ornette's Permanent Revolution

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 18 19:05:28 CDT 2007

The Atlantic Monthly | September 1985
Ornette's Permanent Revolution
A jazzman breaks all the boundaries.
by Francis Davis


In Thomas Pynchon's novel V. there is a character
named McClintic Sphere, who plays an alto saxophone of
hand-carved ivory (Coleman's was made of white
plastic) at a club called the V Note

    'He plays all the notes Bird missed,' somebody
whispered in front of Fu. Fu went silently through the
motions of breaking a beer bottle on the edge of the
table, jamming it into the speaker's back and

For those of us who began listening to jazz after
1959, it is difficult to believe that Coleman's music
was once the source of such animus and widespread


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