Iraq (np political spam)

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Thu Apr 19 09:10:45 CDT 2007

--- David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> On 4/19/07, mikebailey at
> <mikebailey at> wrote:
> >
> > (and although Va is a concealed-carry state,
> > the campus had unfortunately a weapons ban, so
> > the killer could be pretty sure none of his
> > targets could shoot back)
> I'm assuming that the statement above is a joke,
> although it is an absurd NRA talking point.

I'd like to assume that, but ... well, having just
addressed this, if not absurd, ultimately, logically
flawed point elsewhere this morning ...

If YOU can get a gun, there's no reason to assume that
someone else CAN'T, whether legally or otherwise. 
ESPECIALLY if you assume (quite rightly) that even
those who can't legally acquire one can get one (not
to mention more) nonetheless.  You're ALRADY assuming
that ANYONE could have a gun in that case, so ...

So there's no reason for you not to ALREADY assume
everyone you meet as you walk down the street is
packing his/her own heat, concealed (or otherwise)
carry law or no.  Legalities are completely irrelevant
ALREADY, it's an ASSUMPTION of the argument that
anyone/everyone could well be armed.  

The ODDS that someone is armed might of course vary
with a concealed carry law, but, given the possible
consequences (i.e., injury/death), it's nigh unto
Pascal's wager, without even the chance of infinite
reward.  And if yr NOT rational enough to work all
that out, well, concealed carry simply ISN'T going to
be a deterrent to you ...

This is only even more true in the case of someone
ILLEGALLY bearing arms.  If YOU can get a gun even if
you shouldn't be able to, if you can conceal it, why
assume ANYONE else isn't armed as well?  And you might
well have exercised yr non-right to bear arms
PRECISELY bcause you've gone irrational (heat of the
moment, crime of passion, just plain nuts), so ...

In short, it's simply a non-argument ...

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