Iraq (np political spam)(np gun control spam)

Joe Allonby joeallonby at
Thu Apr 19 10:01:02 CDT 2007

The problem with the idea of armed populace deterring crime is what happens
when the police arrive. Which shooter is the crazed killer and which shooter
is the concerned armed citizen doing his civic duty while exercising his 2nd
Amendment rights?

On 4/19/07, Dave Monroe <monropolitan at> wrote:
> --- David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> > But really, NRA folks are saying that if EVERYONE
> > on campus had been carrying guns they could have
> > taken out Cho before he'd killed those 32 people....
> Again, by the concealed carry argument ultimately
> assumes that everyone might ALREADY be packing heat
> anyway, while ignoring the ultimate
> irrationalities--or, perhaps (and I think this is more
> all-inclusive), myriad alternate logics--that lead to
> precisely the kinds of events CC proponents invoke to
> justify tehir position in the first place.  The whole
> argument is logically impovershed, at best ...
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