I Ching, Tarot

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 20 09:03:53 CDT 2007

> *wish* I were sensitive...that I could discover things about others.

Freighted is the biblical euphemism, "to know". To know IS to love.
How can you love someone you wouldn't fuck? (However, while pondering
"How can a man love another man?" I was taken directly to The Cross.)
May I even suggest miscegenation would promote inter-racial harmony?

Nevertheless, fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Coitus IS
the lake of fire; Distinguished from that is monadic sexuality;
or better when rarefied: purely mental contemplation of coitus.
Postures and breathing are boring, but the anticipation of coming
is its own reward, the carrot to lead you in spiritual discipline.

Naturally, a first autofellatio that triggered my acute psychosis
was the number one significant metanoiac gnostic event in my life;
But later came continual silent meditiation on hearing "O" sound:
I'm sure it was responsible for bare bosoms appearing everywhere.
Later came autogenic relaxation (with erection) just for the body
warmth and tingle; Far later, whole nights spent awake, immobile,
erect, in meditation upon phantasy coital partners I encountered
produced intrusions backward in time to the target memory moment,
such that I know step-changes had been induced into the universe,
so pronounced that whenever it happened, I knew I would meditate.


But the phenomena of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel 
are a side issue; the essence of the Union is the intimacy. Their intimacy (or 
rather identity) is independent of all partial forms of expression; at its best 
it is therefore as inarticulate as Love. The intensity of the consummation will 
more probably compel a sob or a cry, some natural physical gesture of animal 
sympathy with the spiritual spasm. This is to be criticised as incomplete 
self-control. Silence is nobler. In any case the Adept must be in communion with 
his Angel, so that his Soul is suffused with sublimity, whether intelligible or 
not in terms of intellect. It is evident that the stress of such spiritual 
possession must tend to overwhelm the soul, especially at first. It actually 
suffers from the excess of its ecstasy, just as extreme love produces vertigo. 
The soul sinks and swoons. Such weakness is fatal alike to its enjoyment and its 
apprehension. "Be strong! then canst thou bear more rapture!" sayeth the Book of 
the Law.
  -- http://www.morgane.org/Theleme/l004.txt

Each and every man therefore that will be a Magician must explore the Universe 
for himself. This is pre-eminently the case in the matter of the Astral Plane, 
because the symbols are so sensitive.
  -- http://www.morgane.org/Theleme/l004.txt
(N.B. caveat following that quote)

As Zoroaster says: "Explore the river of the soul; whence and in what order thou 
has come." One cannot do one's True Will intelligently unless one knows what it 
is. Liber Thisarb, Equinox I, VII, give instructions for determining this by 
calculating the resultant of the forces which have made one what one is. But 
this practice is confined to one's present incarnation. If one were to wake up 
in a boat on a strange river, it would be rash to conclude that the direction of 
the one reach visible was that of the whole stream. It would help very much if 
one remembered the bearings of previous reaches traversed before one's nap. It 
would further relieve one's anxiety when one became aware that a uniform and 
constant force was the single determinant of all the findings of the stream: 
gravitation. We could rejoice "that even the weariest river winds somewhere safe 
to sea."
  -- http://www.morgane.org/Theleme/l004.txt

(A parallel to the river trip in Waste Land?)

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
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