Webb Traverse

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 21 05:58:23 CDT 2007

Unworked out 'brilliant' or too stupid to repeat thought:
  ATD is for the dimension of time what M & D is for space.......

Daniel Harper <daniel_harper at earthlink.net> wrote:
  On Friday 20 April 2007 21:41, you wrote:
> I kind of agree with Daniel in that it seemed to me that in Mason &
> Dixon Pynchon was having his characters attempt live within and
> further construct a 2- dimensional grid on earth, life, philosophy
> and so on. It was the essence of the times, I suppose, but they
> ran into trouble west of the Mississippi (and that's where AtD picks
> up).
> In Against the Day he is giving his characters a chance to live life
> outside the 2-D grid, off the M&D grid, if you will. Against the
> Day is about being blown away (in a variety of ways) into other
> dimensions as opposed to trying to map, delineate, define, and
> circumscribe what we call the here and now.
> Bekah

This is an angle that I didn't consider, at first. Perhaps one can see ATD as 
the failure of completion of the promises of M&D....

Must re-read ATD soon. Perhaps even participate in the group read.

No reference to the present day is intended or should be inferred.
--Daniel Harper

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