I-Ching, Tarot and other fortune telling methods --was Re: Thanks, Bekah! Welcome, Peter 186. 1-19

robinlandseadel at comcast.net robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Sat Apr 21 17:40:45 CDT 2007

Ande :
I suppose someone could make a Pynchon 
Random Sentence Generator, and it could 
be used in the same manner.

I know of no finer bibliomantic scrying toole than Finnegan's Wake, let's have an example: a snapshot of the moment. I randomly open the book at

"How's the cock and the bullfight. 464 (this is a compass books edition, fourth printing, 1965)

But seriously, try it some time, I've done Tarot and  I Ching for years, and Finnegan's Wake works for me. Just think of a particular subject, trance out a tad and randomly pop a page. If nothing else, it gets different parts of the brain activated.

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