greil marcus

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Sun Apr 22 08:47:57 CDT 2007

--- jentery sayers! <jenterysayers at> wrote:

> and now marcus is giving conference talks on rod
> stewart.  more at: 

"Handbags and Gladrags" (written by Mike d'Abo of
Manfred Mann) was first recorded in 1967 by Chris
Farlowe, years before Rod "The Ex-Mod" Stewart rasped
his way through it (I'm a Small Faces fan, not a Faces
one--make mine Steve Marriott).  Various recent
arrangements were used as the theme for the OG UK
version of The Office, by the way.  Anyway, Marcus is
both incorrect AND irrelevant here ...

"This was the dead zone of pop music: the end of the
60s and the beginning of a time that was resolutely
refusing to be born, a time that was felt by so many
less a time than a time out."  Bullshit.  Certainly
not for black American music (funk) or Jamaican music
(reggae), or even for Anglo-American rock and/or roll
(heavy metal, ).  

Perhaps most weren't paying attention at the time, but

And the best of it still remains largely unheard. 
I've been buying up bubblegum (fantastic stuff, 
nailed by studio musicians and beautifully recorded,
hooks, arrangements, breakbeats, you name it) and
European freakbeat, psychedelia, and soundtracks
precisley from that dawning of teh Age of Aquarius.

An interesting note on Lipstick Traces, by the way:
Marcus never aparently botehred to flip The Sex
Pistols' "Anarachy in the U.K." over.   I can't recall
where I saw that pointed out recently, but ...

Stupid fucking white man ...

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