ATDTDA (7): 192-194 decoding

Peter Petto ppetto at
Sun Apr 22 15:40:51 CDT 2007

192: Local 63 - does this particular local have some sort of 
notoriety? I'm assuming that the Union here is the Western Federation 
of Miners (radical, militant, and allied with smelter workers -- one 
player in the Colorado Labor Wars)

193: Uncompahgre - Plateau - a distinctive large uplift part of the 
Colorado Plateau rising to elevations around 10,000 feet. The plateau 
extents some 70 miles between the Gunnison and Uncompahgre Rivers to 
the east and the San Miguel and Dolores Rivers to the west. (from 

Grand Junction - currently the heart of Colorado's wine country, see:

Sickly Youths - I'm not clear why Pynchon capitalized this term; is 
he referring to frailness resulting from aristocratic inbreeding?

Strenuosity - again I'm wondering about the capitalization - WordNet says it means "intense energy," but the context 
here makes it sound like some pseudo-religious cult

regardless of scale - a reference to fractal geometry, where objects 
exhibit self-similarity at various levels of magnification

sepulchral - relating to a burial vault or a receptacle for sacred 
relics; suggestive of the grave; funereal (nothing special...I just 
always forget exactly what this one means)

Butte - (Montana) large, notorious copper boomtown; saloon central; 
famous for red-light district and anything goes


Peter Petto <ppetto at>
Bay Village, OH

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