Stop maKing SenSe

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Mon Apr 23 23:14:44 CDT 2007

           ". . . .Even the Devil can quote Pynchon. "

Not to get testy or nothin', seein' as I's in a right cheerful state of mind right now, but I think it's much more to the Point that Pynchon can [and does] quote A.E. Waite, in particular on the subject of Black Magic, so metaphorically I doubt that we'll ever get home. I'm pretty sure Our Beloved Author would have no problem quoting Crowley if he could only stop laughing.

           "If he ever gave an interview I'd be more  interested in 
           hearing about all the absurd shit in his work than  
           knowing his position on 9/11."

If I ever cornered him, I'd like to get him to talking about Angels. But hey, if he wants to talk 'bout the Walkers and the Bushes and IG Farben, who am I to stop him? It's pretty clear he's also pretty fluent in Anarchist, I'm sure he'd give a mighty nuanced lecture on that one, eh? But I'll bet it'll all boil down to a tuna casserole and get really weird after that. 

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